Our world of instant gratification and hand-held technology makes it so that distractions are completely inevitable. Every web-page you visit has targeted advertising, every app on your phone tries to send you notifications more often than anyone needs them, and social media has transformed into something of a feigned competition to update all of your friends on everything from momentous events like the birth of your child to unnecessary minutiae, such as the photogenic tacos you ordered. In fact, you're likely bouncing back and forth between web browser tabs as we speak. Meanwhile, I forgot why I was writing this article in the first place because the Chess app on my phone informed me that it's my move.
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Driver Safety Tips
General Motors recently announced a new and updated plan to eliminate carbon emissions from their vehicles and factories. GM's goal and promise is to reach carbon neutrality--meaning ZERO carbon emissions from their vehicles AND their assembly process--by 2040. GM also committed to the rollout of new, zero-emission light duty vehicles by 2035.
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Auto Industry Updates

What can the driver of a vehicle do to reduce the environmental impact of their daily commute? Cars with gas-powered engines, which is still most cars on the road today, emit harmful greenhouse gases (GHG’s) into Earth's atmosphere via their tailpipes. According to a leading organization on climate change, the Union of Concerned Scientists, "...collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all US emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas [consumed]."
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Green Your Fleet,
Fleet Management Best Practices
As a driver, it is important that you learn the optimum tire pressure for your vehicle and fill your tires to the factory recommended pressure setting. Doing so will improve handling on the road, prevent blow-outs, allow for smoother rides and lengthen the life of your tires.
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Driver Safety Tips,
Fleet Management Best Practices

With the COVID-19 pandemic persisting across the United States, Americans are facing more adversity on long road trips than ever before. Regrettably, the safest “route” for anyone to take right now is the one that keeps us closest to home. But Americans are individuals with family, responsibilities and careers, and such commitments have helped many people stay motivated during these difficult times. Furthermore, many travelers took to the highway in Summer 2020 to find a much-needed respite with nature, largely because of the lengthy quarantine. Whatever the reason, road travel is sometimes very simply unavoidable.
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Driver Safety Tips
We all have places to be, and we can't afford to let darkness stop us. Whether it's a commute from work to home during the winter when night-time falls earlier, or a trip to visit family when you want to avoid traffic, driving at night is sometimes unavoidable. It is also inherently more dangerous.
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Driver Safety Tips
At this time of the year, it is important to pay closer attention to the people and things that fill our lives with joy and meaning. One of Fleet Services’ esteemed clients, a bakery company from Racine, Wisconsin called Racine Danish Kringles (RDK), lives the spirit of the season not only with their delicious pastry, but also with their generous giving to several charitable organizations. This is their story.
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Auto Industry Updates
Last week, we wrote about the different types of electric vehicles on the market, from plug-in hybrids to fully-electric vehicles which run on electrical power that is transferred to your car via an external source. But what are these external sources of power? In this article, we will review how electric-vehicle charging functionally works, the 3 basic charging levels available today, and the degree of their accessibility to drivers on the road & at home.
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Green Your Fleet
The number of electric vehicles (EV's) on the road is continuing to rise from about 1 million at the end of 2018 to a projected 18.7 million by 2030. Concurrently, fleet management organizations are promoting the incorporation of EV's into their clients' fleets more than ever before. So what should you know about vehicles that run on electricity?
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Green Your Fleet,
Auto Industry Updates
As we prepare for the winter season, it is important to make certain that our vehicles are in good condition. Have the oil changed, refill the window-washing fluid, re-stock your first-aid kit, make sure there are jumper cables in the trunk, and, if you live in an area where it regularly reaches 45 degrees Fahrenheit or below...consider investing in winter tires!
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Driver Safety Tips
Vehicles are recalled by auto manufacturers for various reasons, usually pertaining to the safety of the driver. When you receive a recall notice for your vehicle, it is recommended that you drive to the nearest dealership, or have your vehicle towed there if it is unsafe to drive. The dealership is then responsible for repair of the vehicle, on their dime, as well as any previous repairs pertaining to the recalled part (if you smartly kept your receipts from previous repairs).
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Fleet Management Best Practices
When operating a fleet of vehicles, the safety of your drivers is paramount to the success of your business. From company morale to return-on-investment to your public image, everything will be effected by the way you implement your safety strategy. So, we found a helpful whitepaper on Automotive-Fleet.com that has excellent advice on developing an all-encompassing safety "culture" at your organization.
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Driver Safety Tips
We live in a highly subjective world. Indeed, one might say the entire human experience is an emotional and subjective one. But facts are not. People may use facts incorrectly, or even come up with false data in order to prove a point, but real facts do not pretend to be anything that they're not. They don't even exist for humans to use or interpret; in essence, they simply exist to hold the universe together.
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Green Your Fleet,
Auto Industry Updates
As the cold of the winter thaws, so do our vehicle and its structural components. The Spring is the perfect time to provide your automobile with a little tender love and care so it may achieve peak performance before hitting the highway.
We at Fleet Services and our partners at LeasePlan have come up with a standard Springtime Maintenance Checklist.
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Driver Safety Tips
We are living in a century of farewells to many reliable, traditional methods of living. The U.S. Postal Service is slowly becoming defunct as e-mail, text messaging and social media take its place with unsurpassed speed & convenience. Cinemas are suffering because of streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime (Blockbuster & friends are already long-gone). In a more relevant occurrence, the American "sedan" is losing popularity and U.S. automakers are abandoning its production. Coming to take its place? Well, we'll get to that.
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Auto Industry Updates
Vehicles are particularly delicate instruments of investment that, when owned by a business, should be properly tracked and managed in order to receive the greatest return possible. Thankfully, there are many experts on the topic of vehicle management solutions. One such seasoned veteran of the fleet world is our industry partner, Leaseplan. Their website contains an extensive database of blog articles & resources that are designed to help you maneuver the logistical intricacies of vehicle ownership and fleet management.
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Fleet Management Best Practices
With the new year has come a fresh line-up of vehicles and an increased, nation-wide focus on driver safety. At the NAFA (North American Fleet Association) conference that preceded the 2019 Milwaukee Auto Show, every manufacturer representative made sure to highlight the ways in which their organization has prioritized safety and explained the advanced safety features that come with their 2019 models.
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Auto Industry Updates
The #1 concern of Fleet Services is the safety of our clients. We strive to educate on the topic with our blog series, Driver Safety Tips, as well as providing convenient ways to contact our fleet professionals to answer any questions or concerns a driver may have. If a car does break down on the road, we provide 24/7/365 emergency roadside assistance. However, mechanical failures and environmental conditions are NOT the primary cause of car accidents. With smartphone technology constantly buzzing in every driver's pocket and tempting people with the concept of instant gratification, Fleet has recognized a need for advocates that teach & influence drivers to avoid distractions while behind the wheel.
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Driver Safety Tips
In our last article about The History Of The Automobile, we told the story of how a young Henry Ford left his home on a Michigan farm to become a professional engineer and inventor, tinkering with gasoline-propelled vehicles and various methods of production until his ambitions were realized. His dream was to create an automobile that was durable, easy to maintain, and affordable to the average, working-class American. He is quoted as saying that he wanted to, "...build a car for the great multitude...so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one." A noble vision on Ford's part. However, the production of such an invention would require a significant amount of old-school trial and error.
Ford conceived a series of automobiles, beginning with the Model A and ending in 1908 with the twentieth model intended for production. Ford named it the Model T, after the twentieth letter in the alphabet. Despite the lack of creativity in its naming process, Ford's newest invention would alter the course of American history by contributing to the growth of a strong middle class, driving an influx of immigrants and rural peoples to cities, influencing American culture, and revolutionizing industrial mass production.
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Auto Industry Updates
"My minivan sold for how much?" My client asked, flashing a look of delight, surprise and slight disbelief. We politely reassured her that, yes, her para-transit minivan was sold at the previous week's Manheim Auto Auction for twice the sale price we anticipated. The minivan was originally acquired for $40,000, and the Mannheim Auction's "Condition Report" came back with some minor maintenance issues. This put our expectations at somewhere between $6,000 and $8,000. At the end of the day, Fleet Services received an e-mail from Manheim stating that the proposed highest big was $14,600. Our client gladly accepted the offer.
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Fleet Management Best Practices
With more auto manufacturers producing cost-efficient electric-vehicles and a growing national investment in the EV industry, the addition of EV's into one's fleet is becoming an enticing opportunity.The question is becoming less, "Should I go electric?" and more "When and how do I incorporate electric vehicles into my fleet?"
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Green Your Fleet,
Fleet Management Best Practices
Automobiles are vital assets that inevitably depreciate over time. Our latest brief serves as a guide to help you determine the optimal point to replace any vehicle in your fleet. Knowing the replacement process will allow your organization to grow & prosper rather than suffer economic losses. Click on the link below to learn more!
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Fleet Management Best Practices
The most important job of the Fleet Managers at Fleet Services is to ensure the safety of drivers. And although every manufacturer in the automotive industry now offers advanced safety features in their newer models, cars are still hi-tech machines that do occasionally experience mechanical failures. Fortunately, our Fleet Management program is supported through our affiliation with Network Inc., and everyone who drives a vehicle acquired through Fleet is enrolled in our Emergency Roadside Service (ERS) program, which works the same way as AAA. So, what should you do you if your vehicle has a mechanical breakdown while you're driving on the highway? To answer this question, we would like to share the following list of Seven Steps To Follow When Your Car Breaks Down On The Highway
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Driver Safety Tips
Every ship needs a captain. Ideally, the one chosen to be captain is the individual with the most experience and cleanest track record. For example, at the helm of Fleet Services is our fearless leader, Mr. Chris Hoar. He wouldn't make a great pirate, but as President & Owner of our organization, he has carved out a niche where we succeed. In this Q&A, you will learn about Mr. Hoar's background and how he has succeeded in steering a small, Midwestern-based enterprise through the swells of keeping up with competition & the times.
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Fleet Management Best Practices
Henry Ford, a most recognizable name that I remember from the final exam of my high school U.S. History class. The question was, inevitably, "Who invented the assembly line?" My instructor, a particularly clever individual who liked to play the role of trickster on occasion, had provided four possible answers. One of the names was Henry Ford, but it was not the correct answer.
Popular culture often associates Ford with the "invention" of the assembly line. In reality, the concept of breaking up large jobs up into smaller pieces to increase efficiency was invented by Ransom E Olds. Another titan of the auto industry, Old's Oldsmobile Curved Dash was the first mass-produced vehicle in American history, selling around 5,000 units in 1904 alone. However, mass production in the realm of vehicle production had not nearly reached its full potential until Henry Ford tried his hand at the assembly line method. Ford's results were extraordinary, and altered the course of American history forever.
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Auto Industry Updates
Whether your community has 30, 100 or 500 vehicles, how in the world do you track all the dollars spent to keep each vehicle properly maintained over its lifetime? When a driver takes their vehicle to a shop and is presented with a $1,000 estimate that includes a long list of items, how can the driver possibly know for certain if everything on the list is really necessary? Or, how can you find out which vehicles in your fleet cost the least to maintain and which ones cost the most?
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Fleet Management Best Practices
Semi-truck drivers have one of the hardest jobs in the country. Barreling down the freeways of America with trailers up to 70-feet long that weigh up to 80,000 pounds (40 tons), they have to contend with extra blind spots, a 55-foot turning radius, and it takes 40% longer to stop an 18-wheeler than the average passenger car.
The drivers of these big rigs are required to go through rigorous training, along with strict licensing and background-check procedures. However, collision rates between smaller vehicles and large semi-trucks are high in America.
One reason for the number of accidents is due to the large number of semi's on the road. At any given time, there are around 2 million semi's in operation throughout the fifty states. In the most congested corridors of our nation's highways, every fourth vehicle is a truck, and driving with them is a two-way street (literally and metaphorically). To trust in the responsibility of the semi's driver is important, as is knowing what you can do to stay safe around them.
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Driver Safety Tips
The process of acquiring new vehicles can sometimes make you feel like the victim of high-way robbery (pun intended). Luckily, there are manufacturers who actually strive to help cut costs in many ways, especially if you operate a fleet. Many car companies offer volume incentives and VIP programs, which greatly reduce not only the acquisition cost but also the life-cycle cost of every vehicle in your fleet.
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Fleet Management Best Practices
Fleet managers have a notorious affinity for hats. At Fleet Services, our vehicle management specialists are constantly switching one hat out for another--the logistics expert "fedora", the industry insider "bowler cap", the asset manager "baseball cap", the business analyst "flat-brim", the driver safety guru "ten-gallon cowboy hat", the drivers' lifeline "beanie" & maintenance authority "pork pie hat". Needless to say, to manage this significant variety of head gear demands a plethora of experience and professional grace.
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Fleet Management Best Practices
There is nothing more embarrassing than failing to parallel park on a crowded street in the summer, when pedestrians stop to laugh and point while other drivers scorn you for taking up the road. Fear not, for those days are nearly behind us! Groundbreaking developments in car sensor technology has allowed manufacturers to offer Automatic Parallel Parking as a feature in a handful of newer model vehicles. However, like any other computerized mechanism, it will only work if you know how to use it.
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Driver Safety Tips
Fuel cost is one of the most cumbersome economic burdens that fleet managers face. Fluctuating prices, inefficient vehicle models and certain driving habits can all contribute to what becomes a hypothetical black hole of funds. To help alleviate some worry and allow for a more measurable method of fuel consumption, we have found an online Fuel Cost Calculator which measures the fuel cost of a trip by asking for the trip distance, fuel efficiency of your model vehicle, and gas/fuel price.
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Green Your Fleet,
Fleet Management Best Practices
There is a frightening bit of fiction growing around the grapevine of the auto industry, telling us that the only way to drive green is to buy a newer-model hybrid or electric vehicle. Luckily, debunking common myths happens to be a specialty of the fleet management experts at Fleet Services. In reality, there are a great many steps one may take to become a more eco-friendly driver.
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Green Your Fleet
At Fleet Services. we pride ourselves in staying ahead of the curve. This we do for our clients as well, by ensuring that you remain aware of the latest auto industry developments. Our newest blog series will run every Friday, providing you with the knowledge needed to cut costs and make fleet management a less cumbersome task.
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Auto Industry Updates

Before 1995, the dangers and logistics of driving a vehicle rested on the shoulders of those who gripped the wheel. We were largely on our own, spare some kids in the back pleading, "Are we there yet?", someone in the passenger seat trying to micro-manage your driving, and a sun-faded Atlas that was probably out-of-date.
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Auto Industry Updates
Everyone remembers the first roundabout they encountered. You're driving down a straight road that suddenly collides with a massive, paved circle, painted with white lines and dotted with bright, yellow yield signs. Enclosed in the center of the circle is an island of grass and some shrubbery. For some, it was like driving for the first time. However, if you follow the signage and know the rules of the road within a roundabout, you can actually make it safely to your destination in less time and with a dramatically smaller chance of collision.
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Driver Safety Tips
I-Robot came out in 2004 and introduced its audiences to a dark vision of our future where cars drive themselves, robots are utilized by humans for nearly everything, and Lake Michigan has dried up. Luckily, we're nowhere near the latter two circumstances, but the first was already being realized when the film came out.
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Driver Safety Tips
We must begin by stating that this is NOT an article with tips on how to do donuts in the snow. It is, in fact, quite the opposite. At Fleet Services, we strive to maintain a perfect record when it comes to driver safety. Such is the reason for many of our practices, including the toll-free 1-800 number that drivers can call at any time to speak with an ASE-certified technician. We also make sure our clients are insured and that regular maintenance checks are performed on each vehicle in a fleet.
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Driver Safety Tips
A good teacher can explain complex topics in ways that are clear and concise. And, as anyone who has managed a fleet knows, keeping track of all the tedious details that come along with vehicle ownership can be a daunting task. This is why the industry experts at LeasePlan have prepared a useful infographic that exhibits the basic tenets of fleet management in an organized and comprehensible format. Follow the link for highly advantageous tips, interesting facts and vital insider information!
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Fleet Management Best Practices
Making informed decisions often requires one to ask the right questions. If you are reading this, you are likely already asking yourself this important question: Would it make sense to outsource the management of my fleet?
Here’s the short answer: Enlisting a professional fleet management organization that has an advanced analytical toolkit, close relationships with each auto manufacturer and years of experience can reduce costs in a great many areas, while also allowing your organization to focus on your own core business. However, before deciding whether partnering with a professional fleet manager is the right move for your organization, there are a few more details to consider, and Fleet Services would like to smooth the decision-making process by asking a few questions of our own...
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Fleet Management Best Practices

To help kick-off 2019, Fleet Services is pleased to introduce a new series of articles called, “Pocket Protectors." This series will highlight the many ways we help clients to reduce the overall cost of operating their vehicle fleets. Our first article covers one of the key metrics for determining the actual cost to operate each vehicle in a fleet, which is referred to as a vehicle's total life-cycle cost.
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Fleet Management Best Practices
The year is now 2019, and we live in an era of innovative technology that is generally designed to make our lives easier. The electric car, for example, can save a consumer hundreds of dollars a year on gas and maintenance. It is important to consider that EV’s are best used as short-range vehicles, but for someone with a short commute and casual trips around town, they can be ideal.
Because of their limited range, EV's aren't always feasible for those who have longer commutes or take road trips. Not to mention the fact that, up until recently, public charging stations were hard to find. This led most people to charge their Electric Vehicle’s at home, which can take up to 22 hours. The public DC Fast Charging Stations can charge your car in as little as fifteen minutes--while you’re grocery shopping, or sipping a latte.
Recently, an organization called Electrify America made a move to make charging stations more accessible to the public, installing a large number of their own DC Fast Charging Stations along highways and throughout six major metropolitan areas in California. The following article details the company’s large investment in a program designed to bolster the popularity and practicality of EV’s, as they lead the industry towards cost-efficient and eco-friendly alternatives to the traditional pump.
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Green Your Fleet,
Auto Industry Updates