
Kyle Forbush

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CARITAS For Children Aids Ukrainian Refugees

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Mar 15, 2022 7:00:00 AM

CARITAS For UkraineIn times of crisis, ministry serves as a beacon of guidance, assistance and hope to those most in need. Caritas Vehicle Services’ sister organization, the non-profit CARITAS For Children, has worked tirelessly for over 20 years to help raise children in the poorest areas of the world out of abject poverty by providing them food, housing, clothes and, perhaps most importantly, access to education at all levels, from kindergarten to university. In fact, if you are a client of Caritas Vehicle Services, you have already provided indirect support to the CARITAS mission.

Now, there is another cause, forced into the forefront of minds everywhere by an oppressive Russian regime. That is the brothers and sisters of Ukraine who face a brutal military assault on their lives, their loved ones, their peace, their home, and their democracy. Now, for Ukraine, the cause is survival and freedom from tyranny. For CARITAS For Children, the new cause is solidarity and support.

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Topics: Client Mission Stories

When to replace your used car?

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Jul 19, 2021 10:50:44 AM

Repair_or_ReplaceWhen that check engine light goes on in the car it immediately elicits a groan from the driver. In one instance, it was Sister Mary Kay’s car and she was the one groaning about her 2008 Toyota Camry. She was starting to lose her power steering, so she took her car into the small local shop where she’s had her car serviced for the past 10 years. The mechanic found a few other problems and presented a repair estimate of $1,357.  Sr. Mary Kay called her Community’s Vehicle Coordinator, Jerry, who suggested that Sr. Mary Kay obtain a second opinion from a different shop, so she took her car to a local Goodyear shop, which is a large national auto service provider. Goodyear’s estimate was $2,550 for a list of repairs that included everything the local shop found plus several other high cost items.  Now Sr. Mary Kay was confused and unsure of what she should do, so she made another call to Jerry.

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Topics: Fleet Management Best Practices

New 2021 Safety Features: Collision Prevention

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Apr 23, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Auto manufacturers are making great strides in ensuring the safety and peace-of-mind of all drivers on the road by implementing a new generation of smart-tech safety features in all 2021 vehicles. In the past, many driver safety features were only available on high-priced models and luxury vehicles, but today, most vehicles are equipped with advanced safety technology that wasn't even available just five years ago. With all of the new developments and improvements in vehicle safety technology, it is important to be aware of what these safety features are and how they work to keep drivers safe.  

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Topics: Driver Safety Tips, Auto Industry Updates

10 Great Tips to Improve Your Car's Fuel Economy!

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Apr 9, 2021 11:03:43 AM


How you can improve your gas mileage, save money, and help protect the environment, all at the same time... 


 An article from the weNissan_Green.jpgbsite sheknows.com lists 10 great tips on how to achieve all three, in addition to making your daily driving experience a whole lot easier on you and the vehicle you drive.

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Topics: Fleet Management Best Practices

GM announces updated carbon-neutral plan

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Apr 5, 2021 2:47:30 PM

General Motors recently announced a new and updated plan to eliminate carbon emissions from their vehicles and factories. GM's goal and promise is to reach carbon neutrality--meaning ZERO carbon emissions from their vehicles AND their assembly process--by 2040. GM also committed to the rollout of new, zero-emission light duty vehicles by 2035. 

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Topics: Green Your Fleet, Auto Industry Updates

Paratransit vans for Religious Communities

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Dec 15, 2020 2:04:10 PM

Entervan_image_1   PARATRANSIT VAN 

As the average age of drivers who live in Religious Communties continues to rise, the need to provide transportation that can accommodate wheelchairs and scooters also increases. While some look toward public transportation or a car service, many Communities are looking at a more cost effective approach for transporting members who are no longer driving.

This was the conundrum facing one of our CARITAS clients, a community of Women Religious who wondered if there was a more practical way to take their Sisters to doctor appointments, shopping, or just to see the holiday lights.  While car pooling in a normal minivan might work for some, the Sisters who must use wheelchairs are often not able to enjoy these outings. So, here's what we did . . . 

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Topics: Fleet Management Best Practices, Auto Industry Updates

Vehicle Depreciation and Lifecycle Cost

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Dec 9, 2020 9:31:05 AM

07-29-GREENLIGHT-Auction-Industry-SurveyWhen calculating the life-cycle cost of a vehicle, deprecation is the single biggest factor to keeping the cost low.  Depreciation should be on a fleet manager’s mind or on the mind of anyone who regularly buys new cars. According to Phillip Reed, senior consumer editor at Edmunds.com, a vehicle can lose 30 percent of its’ value in the first year and as much of 50 percent in the first three years.Given these numbers, it is important to look at what factors can affect resale value and ultimately vehicle depreciation.

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Topics: Fleet Management Best Practices

Learn How To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Dec 7, 2020 2:57:48 PM


Traffic jams and the dreaded morning and evening rush hour are a commuter's headache! The stop and go traffic creates a number of problems, which include the wearing down of vehicle parts due to constant use, fuel and time consumption, and an increase in carbon emissions. The United States Environmental Protection Agency's latest report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions states that 28% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions were the result of transportation."  These numbers will increase as society continues to depend on fossil fuels, unless we make the decision to change our ways.  Individual drivers and fleet managers should all consider ways to reduce our carbon footprint.  We've come up with 3 helpful tips to start today.

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Topics: Green Your Fleet

How To Drive Green

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Nov 18, 2020 10:00:00 AM


What can the driver of a vehicle do to reduce the environmental impact of their daily commute? Cars with gas-powered engines, which is still most cars on the road today, emit harmful greenhouse gases (GHG’s) into Earth's atmosphere via their tailpipes. According to a leading organization on climate change, the Union of Concerned Scientists, "...collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all US emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas [consumed]."

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Topics: Green Your Fleet, Fleet Management Best Practices

When and how to fill your tires – a guide

Posted by Kyle Forbush on Nov 2, 2020 5:19:50 PM

As a driver, it is important that you learn the optimum tire pressure for your vehicle and fill your tires to the factory recommended pressure level. Doing so will improve handling on the road, prevent blow-outs, allow for smoother rides and lengthen the life of your tires.

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Topics: Fleet Management Best Practices