The Sisters of St. Dominic of Racine, WI. founded the Eco-Justice Center on a farm in 2004 to promote sustainable living and care for creation.
In 2004, one of our esteemed clients, the Sisters of St. Dominic in Racine, Wisconsin, planted the seeds of a community movement. These “seeds” were quite literal and became their Eco-Justice Center, where visiting individuals and groups can learn about good land stewardship and care for creation.
The Sisters have always had an active mission in Racine, and have founded and led several other community centers and initiatives over the years. Their diverse endeavors include a domestic abuse shelter for women and families; the HOPES Center, which serves the unsheltered; and the Siena Retreat Center, a place for faith-based lectures and “transformative” spiritual retreats.
While these other projects focus on living in harmony with humanity and oneself, it is the Eco-Justice Center, or “Eco-J,” that teaches visitors how to live in harmony with the earth. What the Racine Dominican Sisters started in 2004 has grown into a movement that has rippled through their community's surrounding areas in Wisconsin and the greater Midwest. The important message they have helped to spread is one of “justice, healing, and right relationships among all living things,” per Eco-J’s mission statement.
Caritas Vehicle Services had the opportunity to sit down with Eco-J’s executive director, MaryLynn Conter Strack, who oversees the grounds and the center's many programs. Strack was able to speak to the growing importance of environmental education and organic farming practices, and explained to us how Eco-J teaches it's visitors about key sustainable living practices.
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